Facebook MarketingFacebook Marketing

Facebook marketing might be at the top of your social media marketing campaign but not everyone knows how to do it right. Knowing Facebook marketing and doing it right are two different things because creating posts on business page is possible for everyone. However, people usually don’t have the idea what awaits them in name of a business page. 

If you have been interested in Facebook marketing and had no idea how to start, we have added the complete Facebook marketing guide in this article. So, have a look!

Why Is Facebook Marketing An Apt Choice? 


There might be thousands of pages involved in Facebook marketing but only a few of them know how apt this investment can be. Well, the prime importance of Facebook marketing is increased reach. With an effective Facebook marketing, you will be able to connect with your target audience. According to stats, there are 1.4 billion daily active users on Facebook and on average, Buy Facebook Likes  one user tends to spend around 50 minutes on Facebook. This means there is huge potential to reach more audience. 

Setting Up The Business Page on Facebook

When it comes to Facebook, you need to create a business page as it’s the platform where you can market your business’s products and services. So, to create a business age, you need to follow the below-mentioned steps;

  • You need to create a business page from your Facebook’s profile 
  • Once the page has been created, you need to upload the profile picture because that’s how you are identified through the search results. While uploading the profile picture, user 180 x 180 pixels
  • Now, you can upload the cover photo because it completes the first look when someone visits your page. The cover page needs to be a horizontal image and there needs to be 851 x 315 pixels to ensure a top-notch image 
  • Once you have added the profile picture and cover photo, you need to write down the description which tells visitors what the business page is about. The description limit is 155 characters and you need to provide to-the-point information in the most engaging way possible 
  • Create the Facebook username relative to your business niche and industry 
  • Now, you can start posting the content and if you want, you can opt for paid ads
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Facebook Advertising 

The competition on Facebook is really high and as a user, you need capture the attention of your target audience before the competitor does, so you ensure increased sales funnel. You can opt for multiple advertising techniques that we have added in the section below;

Paid Ads on Facebook For Marketing 

There is an highly interactive and engaging advertising model available for the businesses and brands trying to make it big through marketing. So, you can opt for paid ads. These paid ads allow the businesses to set a budget and devise the target audience accordingly. This way, you will be able to create higher reach. Also, these ads will increase the clicks on ad leading to increased number of purchases. To set up the paid advertising campaign as a part of Facebook marketing, you can keep following points in mind;

  • While setting the campaign, you need to set the location settings especially if you are a local business. you need to target certain locations based on city, country, state, and zip code. 
  • Then, you need to set the demographics based on your target audience. These demographics will help you target audience based on their relationship status, income level, profession, and more
  • Then, you can target the audience based on interests and the interests will differ based on your business’s offerings 
  • This setting will target the audience based on their purchasing behavior based on their time spent on Facebook pages 

Additional Tips for Facebook Marketing 

In this section, we have must-try tips that will enhance the Facebook marketing performance. So, have a look and don’t forget to try these out!

  • While designing the ad, you need to design content according to the interests and beliefs of your target audience 
  • You need to create a hook that attracts the potential customer. These hooks are usually designed in form of educational, logical, and engaging content 
  • Don’t overdo anything because it can overwhelm the target audience. So, just make sure you are keeping the ads short and sweet 

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